
MA- CotST Part 2

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The Case of the Stolen Time

By: Agent-Di

Part Two

"-an' that's how me coattails got torn," the peeved carrot top explained as he and Deirdre walked through the meager shopping district of Sidhe. "Them hounds o' Morgy's got plenty o' fiber in their diet today, that's for sure.  I despise walkin' them furry devils."

Deirdre smiled indulgently and looked away, used to the lep's ramblings after centuries of listening to his work-related complaints. "It doesn't look that bad, just needs a little mending.  I'll have it fixed by tomorrow."

"That's me Deird." Larch flung an arm around her shoulder and gave it a squeeze, snagging an apple from the basket she was carrying in the process. "I can always count on ye in a bind."

Aware that she was probably starting to blush, the banshee coughed and tightened her hold on the basket.  She purposefully kept her eyes glued to the groceries inside it. "I-it's nothing."

"THERE HE IS!" a voice exclaimed.

Startled by the outburst, the pair jumped and looked ahead just in time to see three familiar figures hurrying toward them.

"Aw no," Larch mumbled, "the Trio."

Sure enough, Finian and his friends had come to confront their prime suspect.  The fey came to a stop in front of Larch and Deirdre, drawing attention from passersby and causing a few shop clerks to glance out their dingy windows.

"What's this all about Finny?" the carrot top questioned dryly.

"Hmph, as if ye didn't know," his rival huffed. "Jig's up Larchy, now hand o'er me watch."

Bushy brown eyebrows shot up beneath meticulously styled bangs. "What in the world are ye goin' on about, ye loony lep?"

"Me golden pocket watch!" Fin snapped. "The McQuoid family treasure!  One o' a kind!  None like it anywhere else in the world!  Ringin' any bells?"

Larch stared at the outstretched hand in front of him incredulously.  Whatever Fin was driving at, he found no humor in the joke—and he wasn't about to let himself be framed for the sake of his rival's amusement.

Noticing that her companion's temper was rising, Deirdre decided to intervene. "But, what makes you think Larch has it?"

"Simple," Fin huffed, "I always carry it with me, everywhere I go, but when I woke up this mornin' an' found it'd gone missin' I knew the culprit had to be this lousy lep-poser.  Admit it Larchy, ye stole the watch out o' spite!"

"I never laid a hand on yer precious-"

"…or jealousy!"

"What?!  That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!"

"So, you've got no real proof that he took it," the banshee reasoned.

"He's a lowdown, traitorous cluri!" Fin exclaimed, jabbing a finger in Larch's direction. "Tis all the proof I need!"

Behind him, Fin's pals made sounds of agreement, even some of the onlookers nodded too.

"Ye see?" he asked with the air of someone who'd just proven his case. "Guilty as charged!  Now fork o'er me watch or else."

Bristling with indignation at the accusations the other lep was making, Larch drew himself up to full height (making him a few inches taller than Fin) and challenged, "Or else what?"

Grinning smugly Fin stepped aside so that the blond elf could come forward.  

"Or else," Galvin slapped a fist into his palm as he advanced on their suspect threateningly, "-we do this the hard way."

None too eager to see another fight break out between Larch and the Trio—right there in the middle of the street no less—Deirdre hastily stepped between the two and spread out her arms.

"Stop!  If Larch says he didn't take the watch, then he didn't take it!  This is all a big mistake.  Fin," she whipped her head in the direction of the ringleader, "why don't you just retrace your steps?  Maybe you lost it while you were out yesterday."

Unwilling to fight a girl, Galvin threw the others a glance over his shoulder.  Fin seemed to be mulling over the possibility while Quinn shrugged casually. "Worth a shot."

When no response was forthcoming from Fin, the imp coughed pointedly and added, "We are kinda pressed for time here."

Fin relented with a sneer, "All right, fine!  We'll do it yer way, lass.  But Larchy's comin' along.  We'll not be lettin' him out o' our sight 'til we're sure o' his innocence."

Larch obviously wanted to protest, but he was outnumbered and knew he'd be doing himself more harm than good by refusing, so he reluctantly agreed to tag along.  

Deirdre knew the four of them couldn't go five minutes without fighting, so she insisted on going with them—which was of little solace to her sulking companion.

What'd I ever do to deserve this?

A purely rhetorical question.

* * *

The first stop they made was over at the market square where Fin and his gang had been terrorizing the local vendors the day before.  

"Tis always a lark to see that homely lil gnome get her bonnet in a bunch when we drop by for a visit," the freckled lep chuckled as he led the way to that particular produce stand.

"Afternoon," he called, bowing down while keeping his head up to display a smug grin, "an' how's me favorite-"

He was abruptly cut off when the business end of a broom came crashing down on his head.  Larch and Deirdre stood back while the angry gnome ran out from behind a mound of potatoes and tried to whack the Trio silly.

"Back again ye dirty rascals?!  Well I'll give ye somethin' to laugh about!  Take this!"


"An' this!"


"Hehe, she's battin' a thousand today," the accused snickered.

Galvin and Quinn yelped and dodged multiple swipes while Fin edged over to the stand to check for his watch.

"Hey!  I don't remember agreeing to be broom bait!" the imp shouted.

The hair on the back of Galvin's neck stood up as he felt the wind off a particularly close swipe. "Me neither!  So hurry it up!!"

The next swing grazed Quinn's shoulder.  While he was caught off guard (making sure his arm was still attached) the vendor swung again, hitting him in the stomach with enough force to propel him into the blond.

"Omphf!" Galvin wheezed as Quinn knocked him to the ground.

Deirdre turned to Larch and bit her bottom lip nervously. "Maybe we should help them out?"

The lep looked on in amusement. "Nah, they're professionals.  They can handle it."

"GYAH!  My spine!"

"Ya crazy wi-OMPHF!"

"Good news lads!" Finian called as he rushed by (at a safe distance). "I've finished searchin' the scene, so we're done here.  Time to go!"

The battered fey glared from their defensive positions on the ground.  The otherwise diminutive gnome towering over them snorted and crossed her arms. "An' don't come back."

* * *

Needless to say, Galvin and Quinn were pretty sore as they limped along with the others toward the next location.  After ticking off the gnome lady, the group had wandered out of town to the edge of the infamous Sidhe forest.

Larch visibly paled as they stood in front of the deep, foreboding woods. "An' just what were ye doin' all the way out here?"

"We came outta boredom mostly," Quinn replied, wincing as he rubbed his aching shoulder.  That was gonna leave a bruise. "Nothing like a little peril to spice up your day."

"Or stupidity," the lep muttered.

"Hmph, that's just the kind of talk you'd expect from a lousy turncoat," Galvin grunted. "All gab and no guts."

Deirdre sighed and slumped her shoulders when Larch's temper flared again. "I'm no coward, ye ponytailed cretin!"

"Then prove it," the elf gestured casually at the forest. "Even Fin was brave enough to go inside—once we dared him."

The banshee's eyes widened fearfully as her gaze traveled from the arguing pair to the forest beyond.  Shadows seemed to ooze out like fog from between the gnarled, coal black tree trunks.  Scraggly branches hung down from above, creating a canopy of jagged claws that swiped at the forest floor, eager to ensnare anyone foolish enough to enter.  

Were guys crazy by nature, or did she just end up with the pick of the lot?

"Aye," Fin's voice interrupted Deirdre's thoughts and drew her attention back to the conversation. "The lads thought it'd be fun to toss in a coin an' see who had the nerve to go fetch it back."

"And since you're already Morgan's lapdog," Quinn smirked at Larch tauntingly, "you should have no problem sniffing out the watch."

Larch glared poisonously at the imp and growled in response.

"B-but what if it's not in there?"

The Trio turned to stare at the shaken banshee. "If he goes in, and there's nothing to find…"

If something happens to him...

"It's just a dumb idea, okay?!"

"Awww," Quinn cooed as he and his pals smirked knowingly, "Deirdre's worried."

"Guess she doesn't want her little Larchy-poo gettin' hurt," Galvin jibbed.

Larch narrowed his eyes while the elf elbowed his ribs teasingly.  

Deirdre's face had gone bright red and she refused to look at anything but the ground. "That…that's not…"

"Don't worry about it Deird," Larch cut in.  Brushing some invisible dust from his sleeves, he strode over to the woods. "Tis nothin' but a bunch o' twigs an' berries.  I'll be in-an'-out before any o' the beasties inside even know I was there."

"That's the spirit, Larchy," Fin grinned mischievously. "Nothin' to fear but fear itself."

"Besides," Quinn added offhandedly, "it's way too early for the really scary stuff to be out."

Wrapping an arm around Deirdre's shoulders, Galvin grinned and waved mockingly. "And don't worry about your girlfriend, we'll look after her!"

Deirdre glared at the troublemakers before turning to stare at the retreating lep.  He looked so calm, so self-assured marching into the unknown…

It was a good thing for Larch that she couldn't see his pasty complexion from behind.

From that point on, second after dreadfully long second ticked by.

Nearly ten minutes had passed since the leprechaun disappeared into the dark mass of shrubs and trees.  The small group stood on the edge of the forest, wondering what could be taking so long.  

"W-what if he got lost?  Maybe someone should go in and look for him."

No one seemed eager to take the banshee up on her suggestion.

"He's probably fine, lass," Finian muttered after an uncomfortably long pause. "I'll bet he's just takin' his sweet time in there to scare us."

"Or the lousy traitor's busy tryin' to figure out how he's gonna get away with pocketin' your watch now that we're onto him," Galvin grunted.

"He didn't take the watch Galvin!" Deirdre snapped. "Larch's been in his share of trouble, but he's no thief." As an afterthought she threw in, "And why do you keep calling him a traitor anyway?  So he works for Morgan, so what?  She's our queen.  You guys are such anarchists."

The Trio fell silent, none of them willing to be the one to enlighten the banshee on the true nature of their ruler.  Her mother lived in exile for leading a rebellion against the ruthless faerie, a punishment Deirdre had been misled about.  Her best chance of escaping such a fate herself was to remain in the dark.  Sometimes they forgot about that little detail when taunting Larch.

Feeling the need to say something to break the tense silence that had fallen over them yet again, Quinn jumped to his feet and whirled around. "Argh!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. "What's the hold up?!  It's a freaking gold watch, for crying out loud!  That thing oughtta stick out like a sore thumb in there!"

The snap of a twig drew their attention to the woods.  Another noise followed, something akin to the crunching of dead leaves.  

Everyone's breath hitched as they leaned forward, anticipating something big.  They wouldn't be disappointed.


Larch came crashing through the trees and shrubs, running as fast as his feet could carry him.  Being a leprechaun, that was pretty fast.


The others dove out of the way as the carrot top shot past, eyes wide and one gloved hand clamped down on the brim of his hat to keep it from flying off as he sprinted to safety.

"Huh," Quinn gaped, "wonder what got into him?"

"Sheesh," Fin sneered in the lep's direction as he got up and adjusted his sleeves, "with the way he shot out o' there ye'd think the hounds o' hell were at his heels."

Four sets of pupils shrank at the bloodcurdling howl that followed.  Color drained faces exchanged terrified looks before they all scrambled to their feet.  Tripping and shoving, they raced off to town screaming "CUSITH!" all the way.

After reaching the safety of the town, they collapsed wearily against a gated stone wall that separated the grimy streets of a lower class neighborhood from a notably cleaner, upscale subdivision.

Larch had beaten them all there by a long shot and stood panting with his back pressed against the wall.  Some of the color had returned to his face and he looked to be in one piece.  

Deirdre sighed with relief and gave him a lopsided grin. "See?  I told you it was a dumb idea."

"An' right ye were," he smiled back. "I used to think dealin' with Morgy's trained hounds was bad.  Tis nothin' compared to encounterin' one in the wild."

"Well?" Quinn managed to catch his breath long enough to ask. "Did you find it?"

Brown eyes narrowed on the winded leprechaun beside him. "Noo…but I didn't come back empty handed."

"Huh?" Galvin looked up curiously. "What'd ya find?"

"This," Larch held out a hand and uncurled his fingers, revealing a slightly smudged gold coin.

"Ah, so that's where it went to." Fin perked up instantly at the sight of his money. "Thanks Larchy, always knew ye were good for somethin'."

"I thought you said you went in and got it back yesterday," Deirdre asked suspiciously.

Finian stood up and brushed some dirt from his slacks before pocketing the coin. "The dare was that I had to go in after it," he explained with a careless air. "I never actually said I got it back."

"He didn't stick around long enough," Galvin snickered.

The imp nodded and laughed. "Some crows swooped down so he freaked and ran."

"Well what'd ye expect me to do?!" Fin scoffed. "I was bein' attacked by them buzzards!"

Deirdre shook her head disapprovingly while Larch rolled his eyes.

"So much for bravery."

Ignoring her comment, Fin spun around, hands on his hips, and addressed the group. "All right now, that's enough slackin' off.  We've still got a lot o' ground to cover an' me shift's startin' soon."

"So?" the banshee shrugged. "Why don't we just stop for now and start looking again after your shift's over?"

"Or not at all," Larch grumbled.

"We can't do that!" the lep blanched.

"Why not?"

"Because Fin's dad might find out that he lost the family heirloom," Quinn explained, "and then he'd be super ticked."

"Oh," Deirdre wrung her hands nervously.  She knew from experience how attached leprechauns were to their treasures.  If Fin lost something as important as a prized family heirloom, his father would stop at nothing to get it back—even if it meant turning over every stone in Sidhe. "Well, I guess we don't have much choice then."

"Aye, cause ye'll no doubt try pinnin' the blame on me if it doesn't turn up," Larch conceded in a disgruntled tone.

Rounding on his rival, Fin marched over and poked a finger in his chest. "I'm still not convinced yer not behind this Larchy.  So don't think for a minute yer off the hook.  This is all probably some big game to ye!  Runnin' us all ragged so we look like fools!"

"Ye don't need any help in that department, Finny," the taller lep seethed.

Realizing they'd get nowhere by relying on those two, Deirdre turned her attention back to the others. "So, where'd you go after Fin chickened out at the forest?"


"Well…" Quinn propped his chin in his hand and let his mind wander off in thought for a minute.

Rolling his eyes Galvin jabbed the imp with his elbow and answered, "We went topside."

Blue eyes widened. "You went up there?"

Galvin nodded while the banshee pointed toward the surface. "We got tired of skulkin' around down here so we decided to sneak topside and kill some time."

"Ye really are a bunch o' daft delinquents!" Larch exclaimed. "Not only tis it risky, sneakin' off into mortal territory, but yer deliberately defyin' the queen's law!"

"Oh come off the soapbox, ya suck-up," Galvin growled. "Morgan only forbids unauthorized visits to the surface because she doesn't wanna let anyone out of her sight.  It's easier for her to control us if we're down here, and ya know it!"

"That's…" Larch's gaze shifted from the elf's accusatory glare to Deirdre's puzzled expression, "…not the point," he finished lamely.

"Let's just take the back way through the mines," Quinn offered, referring to the caves by the falls across town. "It's less guarded there.  We'll be able to get out without worrying about getting caught by the 'Armor Patrol'."

Deirdre put her hands behind her back and nodded slowly.  It was there again, the feeling that she was missing something, something important, hidden in the subtext of the conversation.  True, she and Larch could go topside whenever they wished, but she was a banshee with mortal charges to watch over (from afar), and he a loyal servant with errands that sometimes required trips into human territory.  The other residents of Sidhe didn't enjoy such luxuries.  Their homes were below ground and going topside was difficult—without clearance from the queen.

To Be Continued…
Summary: When Finian McQuoid's prized golden watch goes missing he knows just who to blame. But is Larch really the culprit, or is someone else behind this whole scheme?

Rated: PG (leprechaun rivalry)

Genre: Humor/Mystery

And now, for your reading pleasure, Part Two. :reading:

Reviews are welcome, just be constructive/nice. :)

Story & Characters © ~Agent-Di

<--Part One
Part Three-->
© 2010 - 2024 Agent-Di
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